Aer Lingus Recruitment Preparation Evening

The registration deadline has expired.

Registration required here:

Description of the event by ASP:

"Spend an hour with Guillaume Debauchez, Founder and CEO of Airline Selection Programme, and find out how best to prepare for your upcoming Aer Lingus selection. Aer Lingus runs an advanced selection process, similar to BA, Air France and Emirates. You must follow certain guidelines and understand what the recruiter is trying to achieve in order to be in control of the event, and ultimately pass.

We will review the Final Stage of the Aer Lingus Selection, explain how a pilot recruitment department operates and what they are looking for. We will detail how their talent acquisition team and work psychologists are likely to be using the situational awareness and personality questionnaire you had to fill, and why it's important you get one for yourself with a proper debrief ahead of the event. We will discuss general tips for the group exercise and the all important sim assessment, which most cadets and low hour pilots approach with a lack of practicality. 

Following the event, there will be the opportunity to join ASP as a client at a discount, possibly the best investment you'll ever make in your career, and to be subsequently invited to a member only event where we will go in much more detail with direct questions.

Events will be recorded for subsequent viewing.

We look forward to seeing you at the event, and wish you every success."

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